Strategic Evaluation
May 2021
Intentional, high quality measurement in nonprofits can be a challenge. And Identifying, collecting, and maintaining the information that represents an organization’s mission, funder interests, and community needs in a sustainable and strategic way is not always easy. What’s most important? What information is a priority? How can a measurement strategy document voice, impact, and quality?
Consider the experience of Camp Fire, a nationally federated network positive youth development organizations, working in over 1,300 locations across the US to help youth of all backgrounds develop the qualities needed to become responsible citizens who care for each other, their communities, and the earth. Camp Fire’s research-informed approach combines powerful, hands-on, minds-on experiences with diverse, equitable learning environments. Camp Fire’s adult mentors meet young people where they are, prioritizing youth-centered, experiential learning, and giving participants the agency to shape program content and process.
The Camp Fire Journey documents its theory of change, showing ways in which powerful youth experiences, in high-quality, identity-safe environments, lead to interest exploration and skill development, ultimately resulting in long term benefit for communities and the world.
You might think that kids are just having fun at Camp Fire, (and absolutely they are!), but embedded in that fun is Camp Fire’s intentional strategy that marries research-based programming, quality assurance systems, and outcomes measurement that together document how Camp Fire youth find their spark, grow through their journey, develop a sense of community and belonging with their peers, discover their unique potential, and take on the skills to change the world.
Find out more about how Statement House is helping Camp Fire update its current evaluation practices into an overarching measurement strategy that brings together a new tracking system, outcomes and quality indicators, youth voice, and Strategic Plan alignment.